Data Use Policy and Agreement

This Data Use Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Whole in One Health (“W1”, whose legal name is Fortified Health Inc.) and the User (“You”), with an effective date of March 11, 2024. You want to use the App (“Alz Meter”) to collect and manage your personal health information, which includes information that can be used to identify you, private details about your health and medical history, data from connected devices or apps, and any other information regarding your health (“Personal Data”). This requires You and W1 to agree on each other's rights and responsibilities. In some cases, You can choose how You want to handle certain things like the sharing of your data. What You and W1 agree to and your decisions are documented in this Agreement.

We believe that You should fully own and control all of your health data and we will advocate for You. While this agreement is not yet required by law, we are transparently presenting our data use to You. This is written in plain, easy to recognize language in order for You to understand the Agreement.

  1. Collection of Data

    1a. W1 can only receive your Personal Data if You allow Alz Meter access. All information collected will be stored in Alz Meter.

    1b. W1 will collect and display to You the Personal Data Alz Meter receives from connected wearable devices that integrate with Alz Meter and any manual entries from You. This information can give You a fuller picture of your wellness. You can turn on and off what information W1 collects.

    1c. W1 will collect and display to You the personal health data Alz Meter receives from Apple Health or Google Fit, which may include height, weight, waist circumference, glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, cortisol, and other health metrics.

    1d. W1 can only receive your personal health information if You choose to share it from your Apple Health or Google Fit data.

  2. Ownership and Intellectual Property

    2a. The Personal Data collected by W1 through Alz Meter belongs to You and You retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Personal Data and any associated intellectual property. You retain all ownership rights of your Personal Data with the right to use, modify, and distribute your Personal Data.

    2b. No one, including W1, can do anything with your information or see it without your permission.

  3. Use of Data

    3a. You agree to provide W1 with access to your Personal Data. W1 may use the Personal Data solely for the purposes of providing services to You.

    3b. W1 agrees to use the Personal Data only for the purposes set forth in this Agreement, the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. W1 shall not use or disclose the Personal Data for any other purpose without your prior written consent.

    3c. W1 shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing the use, disclosure and protection of the Personal Data.

    3d. AlzMeter's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

  4. Sharing Information

    4a. You agree to provide W1 with access to your Personal Data. W1 may use the Personal Data solely for the purposes of providing services to You.

    4b. W1 agrees to use the Personal Data only for the purposes set forth in this Agreement, the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. W1 shall not use or disclose the Personal Data for any other purpose without your prior written consent.

    4c. W1 shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing the use, disclosure and protection of the Personal Data.

    4d. W1 cannot take back information that You have shared that has been seen or used and cannot promise that the people You share your data with will look at it. W1 will keep a record of who You have shared information with and who has viewed your information.

    4e. W1 will not share your information without your permission. There may be times in which W1 will not have a choice, like if a court of law enforcement gives W1 paperwork that tells W1 it has to give them your information. W1 will tell You if this happens.

  5. Protection of Your Information

    5a. W1 will protect your information from being wrongfully seen or shared. W1 agrees to implement reasonable and appropriate safeguards to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of the data, including but not limited to administrative, physical and technical safeguards.

    5b. W1 will follow the requirements of the strictest rules that protect health data, including laws and rules in your state.

    5c. You will keep your information safe by not sharing your login information. If You suspect your password may have been compromised, you will visit the Profile section to update your password.

  6. Protection of W1

    6a. You promise not to do anything to put W1 at risk or to put W1's customers at risk. This means You will not try to break Alz Meter, try to access other customer's information, or behave in ways that are against the law or against this Agreement. If you do, W1 can end your Agreement right away and, depending on what happened, can file a report with law enforcement.

    6b. You also promise not to steal W1's software designs or the designs of the tools it uses to collect and display your data to You.

  7. International Data Transfer

    7a. Personal Data may be transferred to, stored, and processed in a country that is not regarded as providing the same level of protection for Personal Data as the laws of your home country, and may be available to the government of those countries under a lawful order made in those countries.

  8. Consent

    8a. W1 does not knowingly collect or solicit Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13. If You are under 13, please do not send any data about yourself to us, including your name, address, telephone numbers, or email address; you do not have permission to use Alz Meter.

  9. Minors' Data

    9a. By using Alz Meter, You consent to the use of your Personal Data as described in this Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, your Personal Data will not be used for any other purpose without your consent.

  10. If Something Goes Wrong

    10a. If you or W1 do not follow this Agreement, You or W1 can end the Agreement.

    10b. You have the right to ask W1 to make things right if you think W1 has not followed the terms of this Agreement. You can go to court if You think that is the best way to make things right.

    10c. W1 can also ask You to make things right or go to court if You have used Alz Meter in ways that puts W1 or W1's customers at risk.

    10d. If your information is accessed without your permission, You can ask W1 to make it right and You can also go to state and federal agencies for help.

  11. Ending the Agreement

    11a. You can end this Agreement at any time. To end it, visit your Profile/Settings/Delete/Disable Account. If You end the Agreement, W1 will turn off information coming from your health care providers within 24 hours. If you select Disable, Your account will be disabled for 1 year, after which W1 will completely delete your data. If you login within 1 year, you will be able to recover the account and all of its data. If you select Delete, Your data will immediately be deleted. W1 cannot undo a delete.

    11b. W1 can also end this Agreement. If W1 is ending the Agreement because You have broken the Agreement, it may stop access to Alz Meter. If W1 ends the Agreement, it may hold a copy of your information for download for 60 days before deleting all of Your data.

    11c. If You die, W1 can delete your information, transfer it to someone in your name, or donate it to research. While we do not have formal programs in place yet, contact us at with your request.